At Futureproofed we see climate change as one of the greatest threats to humanity — on par with nuclear warfare, in fact — but also as an unprecedented opportunity for people, cities, and businesses to thrive.
We believe our ability to reverse the climate crisis and build a fossil-free, circular and biodiverse society will determine our fate in the coming decades. Either we become the fools who let the climate change tragedy unfold, or we become the superhero generation who speed up and scale the transformation to attractive cities and a fossil-free future.
When it comes to climate change, cities are where the action is. Yet whenever we talk to civil servants responsible for climate in municipalities, we realise it’s the same thing all over Europe: more often than not it’s a one-(wo)man show, with very little time available for helping drive climate action. And every municipality seems to be reinventing the wheel.
FutureproofedCities (www.futureproofed.com) is a web-app to help solve that. FutureproofedCities helps cities develop, monitor and manage their climate action plan in order to implement climate action more effectively. Cities can learn from other cities and engage their citizens to better transform their climate plan into action.
We launched in early 2017 and have about 65 municipalities, or more than one municipality out of five in Flanders running on FutureproofedCities, including Antwerp, Ghent, Kortrijk, Hasselt, Ostend, Vilvoorde, Bonheiden.
By the end of the year we’ll have launched a few more cities in Belgium and across Europe (probably in Spain and Estonia) and we’re just getting started!
Colleagues at the Staff and Communications departments who need to be onboarded in the climate plan? Inspire them with these actions!
Grab a pen and paper and write down your favorite actions. Take your shortlist to the Staff and Communications department of your city to make the actions concrete!